2013 Seminars and Events

2013 Worth Library Spring Seminar Series.

Unless otherwise stated, the seminars take place in the Worth Library at 3.00pm.

Since seating is limited, booking is advisable.

Tuesday 22 January: Dr Clare Guest (TCD): ‘Worth’s broken bodies: early anatomy in its artistic and antiquarian context’.

Tuesday 5 February: Dr Anna Marie Roos (University of Oxford): ‘Irish Newtonian Physicians and their Arguments’.

Thursday 14 March: Prof. Samuel Cohn (University of Glasgow): ‘Naming and blaming in early modern Europe: the case of Syphilis’. (This is a joint Medieval Medical History Lecture of the Department of History, TCD and the Worth Library and will take place in the Neill Hoey Theatre, the Long Room Hub, at 6.00pm).

Friday 19 April: Dr Jan Storm van Leeuwen (retired Keeper of the Binding Collection at the Dutch Royal Library The Hague): ‘Dutch Bindings in the Worth Library’. Booking is essential for this seminar.

Tuesday 7 May: Dr Marina Ansaldo (UCD): ‘“Who shal yeve a lovere any lawe?”: the representation of worldly love in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde and The Knight’s Tale.’

Encounters with Nature: New Perspectives from Irish History: 27 September 2013

As part of ‘The Gathering’
Wednesday 20 November: Dr Declan Downey (UCD): ‘The Irish Nobility at the Viennese Court’. This seminar will take place at 4.00pm in the Worth Library.


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