The Edward Worth Library 2023 Seminar Series
Unless otherwise stated, all lectures take place at
3.00pm in the Worth Library.
Spaces in the Edward Worth Library are limited: to book a place for lectures taking place in the Library itself please e-mail
29 March: Dr Sophie Battell (University of Zurich): ‘Shakespeare’s Solar Fire’. An accompanying exhibition, curated by Dr Battell, on the subject ‘Fiery Bodies: Flame in Early Modern Culture’ will be launched at this lecture. This is the Griselda Steevens’ Memorial Lecture in the Worth Library series.
12 April: Professor Catherine Rider (University of Exeter): ‘Telling Stories about Illness and Magic: Magical Remedies and the Inquisition in Early Modern Malta’. This is the joint Trinity College Dublin–Worth Library lecture in Medieval and Renaissance Medicine and Science. Please note that it will be a hybrid lecture, taking place at 5:15pm in Trinity College Dublin at Room 2.1 (2nd Floor), 7-9 South Leinster Street. Those wishing to register for the online lecture, please contact the seminar coordinator, Dr. Niall Ó Súilleabháin (
12 May: Dr John Gibney (Royal Irish Academy): ‘The Easter Rising around Dr Steevens’ Hospital’. This is the local history lecture in the Worth Library 2023 series.
13 June: Professor Malcolm Walsby (ENSSIB / Université de Lyon): ‘Getting Books to Readers: Uncovering the French Renaissance Book Trade’. This is the Inaugural Charles Benson Memorial Lecture in Book History.
28 September: Professor Brendan Kelly (Professor of Psychiatry, Trinity College Dublin): Professor Kelly will deliver the Inaugural Davis Coakley Memorial Lecture in Medical History on the topic ‘Medicine in History & History in Medicine: The Inaugural Davis Coakley Memorial Lecture’. This lecture is booked out!
9 October: Dr Charles E. Nelson (Associate Editor, Archives of Natural History): ‘Irish gardening books, 1700–2000’. This is the Brendan Prendiville Memorial Lecture. This lecture is booked out!
13 October: Dr Cathy Scuffil (Dublin City Historian in residence): ‘One photograph, many stories’.