2023 News and Events

2023 News and Events



Looking forward to seeing you in 2024!




The December 2023 Book of the Month is

Histoire Physique de la Mer (Amsterdam, 1725)‘,

by Mr Antoine Mac Gaoithín (Library Assistant of the Edward Worth Library).


‘Images of Mary, Queen of Scots’.


To mark Ms Ravyn Hollins’ exhibition on ‘Images of Mary, Queen of Scots’, we are offering tours of Ravyn’s exhibition at 2.00pm and 3.00pm on Wednesday 6 December.

All are welcome but do please e-mail to let us know you are coming: info@edwardworthlibrary.ie

Please remember, no more than 23 persons can be in the Worth Library on any tour!




Dublin Festival of History: Upcoming Events


To celebrate Dublin Festival of History 2023

Mr Antoine Mac Gaoithín has created a beautiful online exhibition on

Luigi Ferdinando Marsili’s 6-volume set on the



13 October: Dr Cathy Scuffil (Dublin City Historian in residence): ‘One photograph, many stories’.

This lecture will take place at 3.00pm in the Worth Library.

Please note that this lecture is booked out.




28 September: Professor Brendan Kelly (Professor of Psychiatry, Trinity College Dublin): Professor Kelly will deliver the Inaugural Davis Coakley Memorial Lecture in Medical History on the topic ‘Medicine in History & History in Medicine: The Inaugural Davis Coakley Memorial Lecture’. Please note that this lecture is booked out.


Open Day Tours:

Tuesday 3 October at 11.00am and 12.00pm; 2.00pm and 3.00pm.

Wednesday 4 October at 11.00am and 12.00pm; 2.00pm and 3.00pm.

All tours must be booked. To book, please e-mail info@edwardworthlibrary.ie

Tours at noon on each Open Day will include the ‘Librarian’s Choice’.


9 October: Dr Charles E. Nelson (Associate Editor, Archives of Natural History): ‘Irish gardening books, 1700–2000’. This is the Brendan Prendiville Memorial Lecture. Please note that this lecture is booked out.


Open Day Tours

Tuesday 10 October at 11.00am and 12.00pm; 2.00pm and 3.00pm.

Wednesday 11 October at 11.00am and 12.00pm; 2.00pm and 3.00pm.

All tours must be booked. To book, please e-mail info@edwardworthlibrary.ie

Tours at noon on each Open Day will include the ‘Librarian’s Choice’.


Open Day Tours for Dublin Festival of History:

Tuesday 26 September at 11.00am and 12.00pm; 2.00pm and 3.00pm.

Wednesday 27 September at 11.00am and 12.00pm; 2.00pm and 3.00pm.



An Open Day was held on 2 August to celebrate the launch of ‘Translating and Transforming Homer‘. This exhibition, curated by Ms Sofia Podgorski, explores Worth’s editions of the Homeric texts.




The Bríd McGrath Fellowship 2023 scheme is now closed for applications.


13 June event

Professor Malcolm Walsby (ENSSIB / Université de Lyon): ‘Getting Books to Readers: Uncovering the French Renaissance Book Trade’. This is the Inaugural Charles Benson Memorial Lecture in Book History and will take place at 3.00pm on 13 June in the Edward Worth Library. Booking is required for this event: to book please e-mail info@edwardworthlibrary.ie  The first large online exhibition for 2023, ‘Printing in Sixteenth-Century France at the Edward Worth Library‘ , an exhibition curated by Ms Ambre Turhan (M2 – CEI, Culture de l’écrit et de l’image, École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques), will be launched at this lecture.




Culture Date with Dublin 8


To mark Culture Date with Dublin 8 2023, the Edward Worth Library is holding an Open Day on Thursday 11 May: tours of the Library will be on the hour at 11.00am, 2.00pm and 3.00pm. Come see our latest exhibition on ‘Fiery Bodies’ and hear more about the beautiful Worth Library, one of Dublin’s treasures! Please note that no more than 23 people are allowed in the Worth Library at any one time.

12 May 2023: Dr John Gibney (Royal Irish Academy) will give a lecture at 3.00pm in the Edward Worth Library, Dublin, on the topic ‘The Easter Rising around Dr Steevens’ Hospital’. This is the local history lecture in the Worth Library 2023 series and all are welcome. Spaces in the Edward Worth Library are limited so please book a place for this lecture by e-mailing info@edwardworthlibrary.ie or phoning 01 635 2215. 



The first lecture in the Edward Worth Library 2023 Lecture Series will be on 29 March: Dr Sophie Battell (University of Zurich): will speak about ‘Shakespeare’s Solar Fire’. An accompanying exhibition, curated by Dr Battell, on the subject ‘Fiery Bodies: Flame in Early Modern Culture’ will be launched at this lecture. This is the Griselda Steevens’ Memorial Lecture in the Worth Library series and it will take place in the Worth Library at 3.00pm. To book a place, please e-mail: info@edwardworthlibrary.ie


The 2023 Worth Library Research Fellowships have now been advertised!


As part of the HSTM Seminar Series, on 1 March 2023, the Librarian of the Edward Worth Library, Dr Elizabethanne Boran will give a lecture on

‘Science in Trinity College Dublin in the seventeenth century’.

This lecture will be online at the following time: 1 March 2023, 15.00-16.00 hrs (GMT)

To register please follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/history-of-science-technology-and-medicine-seminar-1-march-2023-tickets-511892964637

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