A number of small exhibitions were also held to mark various occasions: please click on them to the right of the navigation bar.
Henry Herringman and the Book Trade in Late-Stuart England.
Naval and Maritime Life: Medicine, Navigation and Law in Seventeenth-Century England.
Witchcraft and Scepticism at the Edward Worth Library: the Quest for Truth in Superstitious Europe.
Translating and Transforming Homer.
Fiery Bodies: Flame in Early Modern Culture.
Francis Bacon and the Advancement of Learning.
Treasures of the Edward Worth Library.
Travelling to the Levant in Early Modern Europe.
1720 at the Edward Worth Library.
Medical Portraits in the Early Modern Period.
Farriery and Horses at the Edward Worth Library
Reading Euclid at the Edward Worth Library
John Strype at the Edward Worth Library
Early Modern Obstetrics at the Worth Library.
Deism and the Early Enlightenment at the Worth Library
English Cathedrals and Antiquities at the Worth Library
Publishing Paradise: The Rise of Jacob Tonson
Charles Patin: Coins and Condemnation
The 8th Continent : Looking at the Moon in Early Modern Europe.
Mapping Cultures in the Early Modern World
Academic Mobility and Cultural Exchange at the Worth Library
Editing Galen and Hippocrates in the Renaissance