Dr Steevens’ Hospital and Dublin in 1720:
As part of Dublin Festival of History an online workshop was held on Friday 11 September to mark the 300th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of Dr Steevens’ Hospital. To view the webinar please click here.
We in the Edward Worth Library were delighted to welcome the Lord Mayor of Dublin Hazel Chu and Deputy City Librarian Mr Brendan Teeling to launch Dublin Festival of History 2020!
Tours of the Edward Worth Library and the 1720 exhibition. Unfortunately, due to the COVID 19 restrictions, these tours have been postponed. To book a tour once the Library is again open for tours please see our ‘Visiting the Worth Library‘ webpage.
The Edward Worth Library is holding 2 Open Days during Dublin Festival of History:
Tuesday 22 September 2020: tours of the exhibition and library at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
Thursday 24 September 2020: tours of the exhibition and library at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
Booking information:
All tours must be booked in advance. Due to COVID 19 regulations the maximum number per tour is 4. For booking and tour information please see https://edwardworthlibrary.ie/visiting-the-worth-library/ and e-mail: info@edwardworthlibrary.ie
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the
History of the Book in the Early Modern Period, 1450-1800
is now available all the time!
This free month-long online course has been designed by academics from the School of Histories and Humanities, the School of English, and the Librarian of the Edward Worth Library, Dublin, with assistance from the staff of the Library of Trinity College Dublin and the Edward Worth Library, Trinity’s Digital Collections and Trinity Online Services CLG.
Important announcements:
Worth Library Research Fellowship Scheme: We regret to announce that, due the Covid 19 pandemic, the Worth Library research fellowship scheme for 2020 has been postponed until 2021.
If you have already applied for a fellowship, please note that the Librarian cannot access the elizabethanne.boran@hse.ie e-mail account. All communications should be sent to eaboran@tcd.ie
Edward Worth Library Lecture Series cancellations:
Please note that the Worth Library lectures due to take place on 16 April, 20 May and 24 June have been cancelled due to the Covid 19 outbreak.
Previous lecturess:
Our next lecture in the Edward Worth Library 2020 Seminar Series will take place in the Edward Worth Library on
3 March 2020 at 3.00pm.
Our speaker will be Dr Catherine Scuffil (Dublin City Historian in Residence) and her topic will be ‘The Housing Crisis of Revolutionary Times: 1915-1922.
Please note that seating in the Worth Library is limited and is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.