Botany in Early Modern Ireland
A Joint Workshop of the Dublin Naturalists’ Field Club
and the
Edward Worth Library.
17 November 2017
in the
Boardroom of Dr Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 8.
9.30am-10.00am: Registration.
10.00am-11.00am: Session 1: Caleb Threlkeld and the first Irish Flora: Synopsis Stirpium Hibernicarum.
Dr Emer Lawlor (Edward Worth Library, Dublin): ‘”There is some point we may advance to”: Caleb Threlkeld’s Life and Sources.’
Dr Declan Doogue (DNFC): ‘Caleb Threlkeld’s plant records.’
11.00am-11.30am: Coffee break.
11.30am-12.30pm: Session 2: Botany in Ireland in the Seventeenth Century.
Dr Patrick Kelly (TCD): ‘The Molyneux brothers and the Dublin Philosophical Society in the late seventeenth century’.
Dr Matthew Jebb (Botanic Gardens): Thomas Molyneux’s Herbarium Vivum: a remarkable plant collection from 1661.’
12.30pm-2.00pm: Lunch.
2.00pm-3.00pm: Sessions 3: Botany in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century.
Mr Charles Shier (DNFC): ‘The Irish Landscape, 1650-1730.’Mr Charles
Ms Susan Hemmens (Marsh’s Library, Dublin): ‘Botanical works in Marsh’s Library.’
3.00-3.30pm: Tea break.
4.00pm: Keynote: Dr Charles Nelson (Honorary editor of Archives of Natural History): ‘The Physic Garden at Trinity College, Dublin, in the early eighteenth century.’
This will be followed by a viewing of a small botanical exhibition in the Worth Library, which will include works and images from the Botanical Gardens, the Edward Worth Library, the National Library and Trinity College Dublin.
Admission is free but booking is required. To book, please e-mail by 10 November 2017.