2024 Events in the Worth Library.
The December 2024 Book of the Month examines Samuel Butler’s Hudibras (London, 1694), and was written by Ms Hannah Mattsen, Fourth Year Student, English Literature, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
We were delighted to welcome The Executive Group of HOPE (European Hospitals and Healthcare Federation) to the Edward Worth Library!
Trustees and staff of the Worth Library Trust presenting Professor Greta Jones, outgoing Chair of the Trust, with a gift to mark her years of service to the Worth Library Trust. We wish Professor Jones all the best for the future!
Henry Herringman and the Book Trade in Late-Stuart England
There will be tours at noon and 2.00pm on Wednesday 4 December to mark the opening of an exhibition by Ms Hannah Mattsen, Fourth Year Student, English Literature, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Ms Mattsen’s exhibition explores editions of English poetry and drama in Edward Worth’s collection which were published or sold by Henry Herringman (1628-1704), a renowned bookseller in England during the Restoration and late-Stuart period.
Two BrÃd McGrath fellowships have just been advertised for 2025.
We’re looking forward to giving tours and hosting lectures during
Dates and times of tours of our latest exhibition on Â
‘The Practice of Medicine in Early Modern Europe’
during Dublin Festival of History:
Friday 27 September at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
Monday 30 September at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
Wednesday 2 October at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
Friday 4 October at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
Wednesday 9 October at 11.00am and 12.00pm.
Friday 11 October at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
Please note: all tours and events must be booked.
To book, please e-mail info@edwardworthlibrary.ie
Lectures in the Edward Worth Library during Dublin Festival of History.
3 October: Dr Elaine Leong (University College London): ‘Book Cultures and Surgical Training in Early Modern London’. This is the Davis Coakley Memorial Lecture in Medical History. This lecture will take place at 3.00pm in the Edward Worth Library. As spaces in the Library are limited, it is important to book a seat by e-mailing info@edwardworthlibrary.ie
10 October: Dr Paul G. Smith (Independent Scholar and former BrÃd McGrath Research Fellow): ‘Forfeited estates of 1688 in Ireland: an account of the late proprietors and the purchasers; 1702-1703.’ This is the Brendan Prendiville Memorial Lecture. This lecture will take place at 3.00pm in the Edward Worth Library. Please note that this lecture is now booked out!
Our newest annual exhibition, which is on the subject of
‘The Practice of Medicine in Early Modern Europe‘
is now available online.
Come see some of the items on display in our beautiful library!
We’re looking forward to giving tours of the Edward Worth Library during
Culture Night on 20 September!
The Trustees and staff of the Edward Worth Library were honoured to be awarded
Full Accreditation in the
Museum Standards Programme for Ireland
on 17 July 2024
by Minister Malcolm Noonan, TD.
Pictured from left are Mr Antoine Mac GaoithÃn (Library Assistant of the Edward Worth Library), Dr Elizabethanne Boran (Librarian of the Edward Worth Library), Dr Virginia Teehan (CEO of The Heritage Council), Minister Malcolm Noonan, TD, Dr Martina Moloney (Chairperson of The Heritage Council Board), Ms Helen Stokes (Trustee of the Edward Worth Library), and Mr Brian Murphy (Trustee of the Edward Worth Library).
The Edward Worth Library is holding an
Open Day on 19 July
from 11.00am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-4.00pm
to launch Ms Deirdre Kennedy’s exhibition on
‘Naval and Maritime Life: Medicine, Navigation, and Law in Seventeenth-Century England’.
4 July 2024:
Dr Giles Mandelbrote (Warburg Librarian and Director of Collections) will present a paper on ‘Exploring the London book trade in the seventeenth century’.
This is the Charles Benson Memorial Lecture in Book History and will take place at 3.00pm in the Worth Library.
Spaces in the Edward Worth Library are limited: to book a place for lectures taking place in the Library itself please e-mail info@edwardworthlibrary.ie
As part of the Royal Irish Academy’s lunchtime lecture series on
‘Early Modern Book Collections: Past, Present and Future‘,
the Librarian of the Edward Worth Library presented on
‘Factors affecting book collecting in early modern Ireland and Europe‘.
Podcasts of all presentations are now available.
Culture Date with Dublin 8 at the Edward Worth Library.
To mark Culture Date with Dublin 8 2024 the Edward Worth Library is holding a number of events. Please note that all events must be booked via our e-mail: info@edwardworthlibrary.ie
8 May 2024: At 3.00pm on 8 May 2024 Dr Cathy Scuffil (Dublin City Council Historian in Residence for the Dublin South Central area), will be giving a lecture on ‘The South Circular Road on the eve of the First World War: All quiet on the Southern Front’. Please note that this event is now fully booked.
9 May 2024: At 3.00pm on 9 May there will be a panel discussion to mark the tenth anniversary of If Ever You Go: A Map of Dublin in Poetry and Song (Daedalus Press, 2014). This event will also include short readings of the poetry inspired by one of Dublin’s most distinctive and historic neighbourhoods: Dublin 8! Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances this event has had to be postponed.
10 May 2024: Tours of the Edward Worth Library and our exhibition on ‘Early Medieval Ireland’ at 11.00am, 2.00pm and 3.00pm.
Open Day on 25 April from 11.00am-3.00pm
to launch Ms Emily Higgins’ exhibition on
‘Witchcraft and Scepticism at the Edward Worth Library: the Quest for Truth in Superstitious Europe‘
Tours at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
To book a tour please e-mail: info@edwardworthlibrary.ie
Our exhibition ‘Early Medieval Ireland‘ marks two important anniversaries: the 1,500th anniversary of the death of St Brigid and the 1,010th anniversary of the Battle of Clontarf. It explores various themes in Edward Worth’s small but remarkably comprehensive collection of texts by some of the most important early modern commentators on early medieval Ireland.
Our next lecture in the 2024 lecture series will be on 11 April: Dr Iona McCleery (University of Leeds): ‘Turtles, oysters and quails: health and natural history in fifteenth-century west Africa’. This is the joint Trinity College Dublin–Worth Library lecture in Medieval and Renaissance Medicine and Science. Please note that it will be a hybrid lecture, taking place at 4.15 pm in the Trinity Medieval History Research Centre Seminar Room (Room PX2.1), 5‒7 South Leinster St. Those wishing to register for the online lecture, please contact the seminar coordinator, Dr David Ditchburn: e-mail: ditchbud@tcd.ie
The first lecture in the 2024 lecture series took place in the Worth Library on 27 March at 3.00pm: Dr Elizabethanne Boran (Librarian of the Edward Worth Library, Dublin): ‘Writing medieval Irish history in early modern Ireland: aims, annals and antiquities’. This was the Griselda Steevens’ Memorial Lecture.
Spaces in the Edward Worth Library are limited: to book a place for lectures taking place in the Library itself please e-mail info@edwardworthlibrary.ie
Open Day on
28 June from 11.00am-3.00pm
for our
‘Early Medieval Ireland’
Tours at 11.00am and 2.00pm.
Please note that no more than 23 persons can be on any one tour.
To book a tour please e-mail: info@edwardworthlibrary.ie