The 2021 August Book of the Month is William Cowper’s The Anatomy of Humane Bodies (Oxford, 1698). The text is by Ms Sarah Horder, MA in Public History and Cultural Heritage, TCD.
The 2021 June Book of the Month is Robert Burton’s The Anatomy of Melancholy (London, 1676). The text, written to mark the 400th anniversary of the first edition of the work, is by Professor Brendan Kelly, Dun’s Librarian at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and Professor of Psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin.
The 2021 April Book of the Month is Henry Maundrell’s A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A.D. 1697 (London, 1714). The text is by Mr Antoine MacGaoithÃn, Library Assistant of the Edward Worth Library.
The 2021 February Book of the Month is John Speed’s The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain (London, 1676). The text is by Mr Charles Watson, TCD M. Phil. In Public History and Cultural Heritage.