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Principal manuscript sources for Ussher’s correspondence
The primary sources for the Ussher correspondence are primarily divided between the manuscript departments of the following libraries: Trinity College, Dublin, the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the British Library, London.
The principal letters collections in each of these libraries are as follows:
TCD MSS : 454, 568, 581, 774, 788, 794, and 943.
Bodleian MSS : Add. MS C. 297, Add. MS C. 301, Ballard 44, Barlow 13, Bodl. MS 670, Cherry 23, Rawl. MS Letters 83, Rawl. MS Letters 84, Rawl. MS Letters 89, Rawl. C. 439, Rawl C. 849, Rawl. MS C. 850, Rawl C. 919, Rawl. MS D. 47, Rawl. D. 559, Sancroft 18, Selden Supra 108, Smith 21, Smith 71, Smith 75, Tanner 63, Tanner 65, Tanner 66, Tanner 71, Tanner 72, Tanner MS 313, Tanner MS 314, Tanner MS 461.
British Library MSS : Add. MS 4274, Add. MS 6395, Add. MS 25384, Add, MS 34599, Add. MS 32093, Add. MS 34600, Add. 64888, Add. 64987, Burney MS 369, Cotton MS Julius C III, Cotton MS Julius C V, Harl. MS 374, Harl. MS 822, Harl. MS 7011, Sloane MS 402, Sloane MS 654, Sloane MS 1008, Sloane MS 1465.
Other collections include letters held at the PRO London, University College Library, Cambridge and the Huntingdon Library, California.
Printed primary sources (including English translations of Latin works and posthumous works).
Gravissimae Quaestionis, de Christianarum ecclesiarum, in occidentis praesertim partibus, ab apostolicis temporibus, ad nostram usque aetatem, continua successione & statu, historica explicatio (London, 1613).
The substance of that vvhich was deliuered in a sermon before the Commons House of Parliament, in St. Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18. of February, 1620. By Iames Vssher, Professor of Diuinity in the Uniuersity of Dublin, in Ireland (London, 1621).
An ansvver to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truely delivered, and the noveltie of the now romish doctrine plainly discovered. By Iames Vssher Bishop of Meath (Dublin and London, 1624).
A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the catholike faith professed therein delivered in a sermon before His Majestie the 20th of Iune, 1624. at Wansted, by Iames Vssher, Bishop of Meath (London, 1624).
An ansvver to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now romish doctrine plainely discovered. By Iames Vssher Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. Whereunto certain other treatises of the same author are adjoyned, the titles whereof in the next leafe are more particularly specified (London, 1631).
Gotteschalci et praedestinatianae controversiae ab eo motae, historia: Una cum duplice ejusdem Confessione, nunc primum in luce edita (Dublin, 1631).
A speech delivered in the castle-chamber at Dublin, the XXII. of November, anno 1622 At the censuring of certaine officers, who refused to take the Oath of Supremacie. By Iames Bishop of Meath (London, 1631).
A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish. By Iames Vssher Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland (London, 1631).
Veterum epistolarum hibernicarum sylloge quae partim ab Hibernis, partim ad Hibernos partim de Hibernis vel rebus Hibernicis sunt conscriptae. Iacobvs Vsserivs … collegit & recensuit. (Dublin, 1632).
Immanuel, or, The mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God; unfolded by Iames Archbishop of Armagh (Dublin, 1638).
Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates: Quibus inserta est pestiferae adversus Die gratiam a Pelagio Britanno in ecclesiam inductae hereseos historia (Dublin, 1639).
The iudgement of Doctor Rainoldes touching the originall of episcopacy more largely confirmed out of antiquity by James Archbishop of Armagh (London, 1641).
To the right honourable, the House of Peeres, now assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of James archbishop of Armagh , (London, 1641).
Ussher et al., Certain briefe treatises written by diverse learned men, concerning the ancient and moderne government of the church: wherein both the primitive institution of episcopacie is maintained, and the lawfulnesse of the ordination of the Protestant ministers beyond the seas likewise defended, the particulars whereof are set downe in the leafe following (Oxford, 1641) – this includes ‘The originall of bishops and metropolitens briefly laid downe’ by Martin Bucer …, John Rainolde …, James Ussher.
Ussher et al., A copie of the proceedings of some worthy and learned divines, appointed by the Lords to meet at the Bishop of Lincolnes in Westminster Touching innovations in the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England. Together with considerations upon the Common-Prayer book (London, 1641). Includes treatises by Ussher and six other authors.
Vox hibernae, or, Rather the voyce of the Lord from Ireland a sermon preached in Saint Peters Church at Westminster before divers of the right honourable the lords of the upper House in the high court of Parliament: on the last publike fast day, being Wednesday the 22th of December 1641: wherein the miserable estate of the kingdome of Ireland at this present is laid open and the people and kingdome of England earnestlie exhorted to turne to Almight God by true repentance least the same iudgements or worse fall upon us by the laborious and reverend Doctor Iames Vsher … (London, 1642).
A geographicall and historicall disqvisition touching the Asia properly so called, the Lydian Asia (which is the Asia so often mentioned in the New Testament), the Proconsular Asia, and the Asian Diocese by James Ussher (Oxford, 1643).
In Polycarpianam epistolarum Ignatianarum syllogen annotationes; numeris ad marginem interiorem appositis respondentes . (Oxford, 1644).
The soveraignes power and the subiects duty delivered in a sermon, at Christ-church in Oxford, March 3, 1643 J. Armagh (Oxford, 1644).
The principles of Christian religion with a briefe method, of the body of Christian religion, shewing the connexion, and coherence of the chiefe points thereof: with a more particular declaration of some principall heads of doctrine, which for more plainnes sake, were but shortly touched in the former summe. By James Usher, Bish. of Armagh (London, 1644).
Polycarpi et Ignatii Epistolae: Una cum vetere vulgata interpretatione Latina, ex trium manuscriptorum codicum collatione integritati suae restituta. Accessit & Ignatiarium Epistolarum versio antiqua alia, ex duobus manuscriptis in Anglia repertis, nunc primum in lucem edita. Quibus praefixa est, non de Ignatii solum & Polycarpi scriptis, sed etiam de Apostolicis Constitutionibus & Canonibus Clementi Romano tributis, Iacobi Vsserii Archiepiscopi Armachani Dissertatio (Oxford, 1645)
De Romanae Ecclesiae symbolo apostolico vetere, aliisque fidei formulis, tum ab occidentalibus tum ab orientalibus, in prima catechesi & baptismo proponi solitis, diatriba: accesserunt, I. Athanasii Symbolum, a Graecis interpolatum. II. Symbolum aliud, eidem etiam a quibusdam tributum. III. Hymnus matutinus & vespertinus veteris ecclesiae. IV. Hildeberti Cenomanensis de confessione Trinitatis hymnus, & oratio ad Dominum. Jo. Cassianus. Symbolum ecclesiarum omnium fidem loquitur . (London, 1647).
Appendix Ignatiana· In quâ continentur: I. Ignatii Epistolae genuinae, à posterioris interpolatoris assumentis liberae, ex Graeco Mediceo exemplari expressae; & novâ versione Latinâ explicatae. II. Ignatii martyrium, à Philone, Agathopode, & aliis qui passioni illius interfuerant, descriptum; ex duabus antiquis Latinis ejusdem versionibus nunc primùm in lucem editum. III. Tiberiani, Plinii Secundi & Trajani Imp. de constantiâ martyrum illius temporis, epistolae. IV. Smyrnensis Ecclesiae de Polycarpi martyrio epistola, cum antiquâ Latinâ ejusdem metaphrasi, integrè nunc primùm edita. V. In Ignatii & Polycarpi acta, atque in epistolas etiam Ignatio perperà m adscriptas, / annotationes Jacobi Vsserii Armachani (London, 1647).
A body of divinitie, or, The summe and substance of Christian religion catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled collected long since out of sundry authors, and reduced unto one common method, by James Vssher B. of Armagh, and at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians lately printed; whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel, or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God heretofore written and published by the same authour (London, 1647).
De Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari dissertatio: cum Graecorum astronomorum parapegmate ad Macedonici et Juliani anni rationes accommodato (London, 1648).
The rights of primogeniture, or, The excellency of royall authority in a sermon preached before His Majesty in the Isle of Wight, upon the anniversary of his birth-day by James, L. Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland (London, 1648).
The dailie examination, and arraignment of sins gathered out of the most reverend the primate of Ireland’s sermon at Lincolns Inn. Decemb. 3. 1648 (London, 1648).
Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti una cum rerum Asiaticarum et Aegyptiacarum chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum initia producto (London, 1650).
A method for meditation, or, A manuall of divine duties, fit for every Christians practice. By Ja. Ussher … (London, 1651).
De textus Hebraici veteris testamenti variantibus lectionibus ad Ludovicum Cappellum epistola. Cui addita est et consimilis argumenti altera, ante annos XLV a Guilielmo (London, 1652).
Annalium pars posterior, in qua, praeter Maccabaicam et Novi Testamenti historiam imperii Romanorum caesarum sub C. Julio & Octaviano ortus, rerumque in Asia & Aegypto gestarum continetur chronicon: ab Antiochi Epiphanis regni exordio, usque ad Imperii Vespasiani inita atque extremum Templi & Reipublicae Judaicae excidium deductum (London, 1654).
De Graeca Septuaginta, interpretum versione syntagma: cum libri Estherae editione Origenica, & vetere Graeca altera, ex Arundelliana bibliotheca nunc primum in lucem producta. Accesserunt, ob argumenti cognationem, de Cainane, in Vulgata LXX. editione superaddito, ex ejusdem chronologia sacra nondum edita, dissertatio: una cum ejusdem edita ad Ludovicum Cappellum, de variantibus textis Hebraici lectionibus, anno 1652, et altera a Gulielmo Eyrio ad eundem Jacobum anno 1607 data, epistola (London, 1655).
The reduction of episcopacie unto the form of synodical government received in the antient Church: proposed as an expedient for the compremising of the now differences, and the preventing of those troubles that may arise about the matter of Church-government. By Ja: Usher, Armachanus. And now published, seriously to be considered by all sober conscientious persons, and tendred to all the sons of peace and truth in the three nations, for recovering the peace of the Church, and setling its proper government ( London, 1656).
The judgement of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland, 1. Of the extent of Christs death, and satisfaction, &c. 2. Of the Sabbath, and observation of the Lords day. 3. Of the ordination in other reformed churches. With a vindication of him from a pretended change of opinion in the first; some advertisements upon the latter; and, in prevention of further injuries, a declaration of his judgement in several other subjects. By N. Bernard, D.D. and preacher to the Honourable Society of Grayes-Inne, London. (London, 1657).
The annals of the world deduced from the origin of time, and continued to the beginning of the Emperour Vespasians reign, and the totall destruction and abolition of the temple and common-wealth of the Jews: containing the historie of the Old and New Testament, with that of the Macchabees, also the most memorable affairs of Asia and Egypt, and the rise of the empire of the Roman Caesars under C. Julius, and Octavianus : collected from all history, as well sacred, as prophane, and methodically digested by … James Ussher. (London, 1658).
Prifannau crefydd gristnogawe a llwybraidd foddbyrr, or, Athrawideth o honi o waith Jago Usher Escob Armagh; a chyfieithiad Row. Vaughan … (Llundain, 1658).
Examen quotidianum Ymboliad beunyddiol: neu, gyhyddiad pechod ar orseddfarn cydwybod, a dynnwyd allan o bregeth y gwir barchedig dad, Archescob Armach … : a gyfieythwyd yn gymraeg, er mwyn cyfarwyddo, ac hyfforddi fynghydwladwyr o lmru yn y gwafanaeth hwnnw ( Oxford, 1658).
Eighteen sermons preached in Oxford. 1640. Of the doctrine of repentance, speedy conversion, and redemption by Christ, seasonable for these times. By the late Reverend James Usher, Lord Primate of Ireland. Taken from his mouth by a faithful minister, and compared with the notes of several schollars then resident in Oxford. With a preface concerning the worthy author, by the Reverend Mr. Stanly Gower, now minister in Dorchester ( London, 1659).
Chronologia sacra sive chronologia annorum regum Israelis et Judae, ad calculum redacta et illustrata. Additur, ejusdem authoris, De Romanae Ecclesiae symbolo apostolico vetere, aliisque fidei formulis tum ad Occidentalibus, tum ab Orientalibus in prima catechesi & baptismo proponi solitis, diatriba (Oxford, 1660).
The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject briefly laid down and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, testimony of the primitive church, dictates of right reason, and opinion of the wisest among the heathen writers by the most reverend father in God, James late Lord Archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland; faithfully published out of the original copy, written with his own hand, by the reverend father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Lincoln, with his Lordships preface thereunto (London, 1661).
Clavi trabales; or, Nailes fastned by some great masters of assemblyes Confirming the Kings supremacy. The subjects duty. Church government by bishops. The particulars of which are as followeth I. Two speeches of the late Lord Primate Ushers. The one of the Kings supremacy, the other of the duty of subjects to supply the Kings necessities. II. His judgment and practice in point of loyalty, episcopacy, liturgy and constitutions of the Church of England, III. Mr. Hookers judgment of the Kings power in matters of religion, advancement of bishops &c. IV. Bishop Andrews of church-government &c. both confirmed and enlarged by the said primate. V. A letter of Dr Hadrianus Saravia of the like subjects. Unto which is added a sermon of regal povver, and the novelty of the doctrine of resistance, also a preface by the Right Reverend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of Lincolne. Published by Nicholas Bernard, Doctor of Divinity, and rector of Whit-church in Shropshire (London, 1661).
Ussher et al., The Protestant school, or, A method, containing several forms of prayer, psalms, lessons, thanksgivings, and graces for the bringing up and well grounding children and elder persons in the Protestant religion by the Bishop Usher. Also a catalogue of all the English words beginning with one syllable, and proceeding by degrees to eight … : to which is added an historical account of several plots and remarkable passages from Queen Elizabeth to this present time … by Moses Lane (London, 1681).
Jacobi Usserii Archiepiscopi Armachani, opuscula duo nunc primum Latine edita quorum alterum est De episcoporum et metropolitanorum origine: alterum De Asia proconsulari. Accessit Veteris Ecclesiae gubernatio patriarchalis; Sententia de Ecclesiae Britannicae privilegiis; De antiqua Ecclesiae Britanicae libertate, ab E.B. descripta; interprete R.R.E.B.P. Praeterea accedit appendix, De antiqua Ecclesiae Brittanicae libertate, et privilegiis. impensis Samuelis Smith … (London, 1687).
The prophecy of Bishop Usher unto which is added two letters, one from Sir William Boswell … to the Most Reverend William Laud … : the other from the Reverend John Bramhall … to the Most Reverend James Usher, late Archbishop of Armah (London, 1687).
Historia dogmatica controversiae inter orthodoxos & pontificios de scripturis et sacris vernaculis. Nunc primum edita. Accesserunt ejusdem dissertationes II. de pseudo-dionysii scriptis, & de epistola ad Laodicenos; antehac ineditae. Descripsit, digessit, & notis atque auctario locupletavit Henricus Wharton, A.M. Reverendissimo in Christo Patri ac Domino, Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, a sacris domesticis (London. 1689).
Richard Parr, The life of the Most Reverend Father in God, James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland. With a collection of three hundred letters, between the said Lord Primate and most of the eminentest persons for piety and learning in his time, both in England and beyond the seas (London, 1686).
C. R. Elrington, (ed.) The whole works of the Most Rev. James Ussher (Dublin, 1847-1864). 17 vols in cludes the following:
Vol. 1: The Life of James Ussher, D.D. The Appendix includes the following: i) Genealogical Table; ii) An Account of the Commencement held on the 18 th of August, 1614; iii) A Brief declaration of certein principall Articles of Religion set out by order and aucthoritie as well of the Right Honourable Sir Henry Sidney. as by the Archbyshops and byshops.; iv) The 1615 Articles; v) A Certificate of the State and Revenues of the Bishopricke of Meath and Clonmacnoise; vi) An Historical narration of the controversy betwixt the Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin touching the Primacy; vii) A Vindication of the opinions and actions of the Lord Primate Ussher in reference to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, and his conformity thereunto, from the aspersions of Peter Heylin, D.D. in his pamphlet called Respondet Petrus, by James Tyrell, Esq.
Vol. 2: De Christianorum Ecclesiarum Successione et Statu historica Explicatio (1613); A Sermon preached before the Commons House of Parliament, 18 th February, 1620; A Speech delivered in the Castle Chamber, Dublin, 22 nd November, 1622, concerning the Oath of Supremacy; A Sermon preached before the King’s Majesty, 20 th June, 1624, on the Universality of the Church of Christ.
Vol. 3: An Answer to a Challenge made by a Jesuit in Ireland (1625).
Vol. 4: A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British (1631); Immanuel, or the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God (1638); Gotteschalci et Praedestinatione Controversiae abeomotae Historia (1631); Veterum Epistolarum Hibernicarum Sylloge (1632);
Vol. 5: Brittanicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates ; caput I-XIII (1639);
Vol. 6: Brittanicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates ; caput XIV-XVII (1639);
Vol. 7: A Geographical and Historical Disquisition, touching the Asia properly so calledi; The Original of Bishops and Metropolitans briefly laid down; The Judgment of Doctor Rainolds, touching the Original of Episcopacy, more largely confirmed out of Antiquity ; Dissertatio non de Ignati solum et Polycarpi scriptis, sed etiam de Apostolicis Constitutionibus et Canonibus Clementi Romano attributis (1644); Praefationes in Ignatium (1644); De Romanae Ecclesiae Symbolo vetere aliisque Fidei Formulis tum ab Occidentalibus tum ab Orientalibus in prima Catechesi et Baptismo proponi solitis (1647); De Macedonum et Asianorum Anno Solari Dissertatio (1648); De Graeca Septuaginta Interpretum Versione Syntagma, cum Libri Estherae editione Origenica et vetere Graeca altera ; Epistola ad Ludovicum Capellum de variantibus Textus Hebraei Lectionibus ; Epistola Gulielmi Eyre ad Usserium ;
Vol. 8: Annales veteris Testamenti, a Prima Mundi Origine deducti, una cum Rerum Asiaticarum Aegypticarum Chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum initia producto (1650);
Vol. 9: Annales veteris Testamenti (contd.);
Vol. 10: Annales veteris Testamenti (contd.);
Vol. 11: Annales veteris Testamenti concludes; Annalium Pars Posterior, in qua, praeter Maccabaicam et novi testamenti historiam, Imperii Romanorum Caesarum sub Caio Julio et Octaviano Ortus, rerumque in Asia et Aegypto Gestarum continetur Chronicon … (1654); The Principles of Christian Religion (1654); The Method of the Doctrine of Christian Religion (1654); The Power communicated by God to the Prince, and the Obedience required of the Subject ; The Original and first Institution of Corbes, Herenaches and Termon Lands ; The first Establishment of the English Laws and Parliaments in the Kingdom of Ireland ; A Discourse, showing when and how far the Imperial Laws were received by the old Irish and the Inhabitants of Great Britain ; Chronologia Sacra .
Vol. 12: Chronologia sacra (1660); Historia Dogmatica Controversiae inter Orthodoxos et Pontificios de Scripturis et Sacris Vernaculis; Dissertatio de Pseudo-Dionysii scriptis; Dissertatio de epistola ad Laodicenses ; The Reduction of Episcopacy into the Form of Synodical Government received in the ancient Church (1657); The Judgment of the Archbishop of Armagh, what is understood by Babylon in Apoc cap. xvii and xviii ; The Judgment of the Archbishop of Armagh, what is meant by the Beast that was, and is not, and yet is ; The Judgment of the Archbishop of Armagh of the Time, Intent, and Extent of Christ’s Death and Satisfaction upon the Cross ; An Answer to Some Exceptions taken against his aforesaid Letter ; A Letter to Dr. Twiss concerning the Sabbath ; Part of a Letter to Mr. Ley of the Sabbath ; Part of a letter in Answer to Dr. Heylin’s History of the Sabbath .
Vol. 13: (includes 22 published and 15 unpublished sermons).
Vol. 14: Tractatus de Controversiis Pontificiis ; Praelectiones Theologicae ;
Vol. 15: Correspondence
Vol. 16: Correspondence.
Vol. 17: Indexes
John Harris Backhouse, (ed.) The editio princeps of the Epistle of Barnabas by archbishop Ussher, as printed … 1642, and preserved in an imperfect form in the Bodleian library, with a dissertation on that ed. by J.H. Backhouse (Oxford, 1883).
Lives of Ussher
William Bates, Vitae Selectorum Aliquot Virorum Qui Doctrina, Dignitate, aut Pietate inclaruere (Londini, 1681).
Nicholas Bernard, The life & death of the most reverend and learned father of our Church Dr. James Usher, late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Published in a sermon at his funeral at the Abby of Westminster, Aprill 17. 1656. And now re-viewed with some other enlargements (London, 1656).
James Anderson Carr, The life and times of James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh (London, 1895).
Maurice Fitzgerald Day, Archbishop Ussher (born in Dublin A.D. 1580): his life and character a lecture (1861).
William Dillingham, Vita Laurentii Chadertoni S.T.P. & Collegii Emmanuelis apud Cantabrigienses magistri primi: una cum vita Jacobi Usserii archiepiscopi Armachani, tertiâ ferè parte aucta, quam importuna nimis typographi sestinatio, autori tunc valetudinario transcribendi copiam non permittens, à priore Editione intercluserat (Cambridge, 1700).
John Dowden, A sermon on Ussher Peplographia Dublinensis: memorial discourses preached in the chapel of Trinity College, Dublin, 1895-1902 (London & New York, 1902)
C. R. Elrington, ‘The Life of Ussher’ in Ussher’s Works , vol I (see above)
Alan Ford, ‘James Ussher (1581-1656)’, Dictionary of National Biography .
Crawford Gribben, The Irish Puritans. James Ussher and the Reformation of the Church (Evangelical Press, 2003).
R.B. Knox, James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh (Cardiff, 1967).
John Lewis, ‘A Defence of Ussher’ in A Complete History of the several Translations of the Holy Bible (1739).
Richard Parr, The life of the Most Reverend Father in God, James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland. With a collection of three hundred letters, between the said Lord Primate and most of the eminentest persons for piety and learning in his time, both in England and beyond the seas (London, 1686).
Thomas Smith, Vitae quorundam eruditissimorum et illustrium virorum (1707).
James Ware, Whole Works concerning Ireland (edited by Walter Harris, 1739).
Secondary Sources
W. M. Abbott, W. M. ‘James Ussher and ‘Ussherian’ episcopacy, 1640-1656: the primate and his Reduction manuscript’ in Albion 22 (1990), 237-59.
T.C. Barnard, ‘The Purchase of Archbishop Ussher’s library in 1657’ in Long Room no.4 (Winter, 1971), 9-14.
James Barr, ‘Why the World was created in 4004 BC: Archbishop Ussher and Biblical Chronology’ in Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of Manchester 67 (1985) no. 2 575-608.
Wallace Benn, Usher on bishops : a reforming ecclesiology (London, 2002).
Elizabethanne Boran, ‘An early friendship network of James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, 1625 – 1656’ in Helga Robinson-Hammerstein, (ed.) European Universities in the Age of Reformation and Counter-Reformation (Dublin, 1998), pp. 116-134 and ‘The Libraries of Luke Challoner and James Ussher, 1595-1608’ in Helga Robinson-Hammerstein, (ed .) European Universities in the Age of Reformation and Counter-Reformation (Dublin 1998), pp. 75-115.
Elizabethanne Boran, ‘Reading Theology within the community of believers: James Ussher’s Directions’ in Bernadette Cunningham and Máire Kennedy (eds.) The Experience of Reading: Irish Historical Perspectives (Dublin, 1999), pp. 39 – 59.
Elizabethanne Boran, ”Propagating religion and endeavouring the reformation of the whole world’: Irish Bishops and the Hartlib circle in the mid-seventeenth century’ in Vincent P. Carey and Ute Lotz-Heumann (eds.) Taking Sides? Colonial and Confessional Mentalités in Early Modern Ireland (Dublin, 2003), pp.165 – 184.
Amanda Capern, ”Slipperye times and dangerous dayes’: James Ussher and the Calvinist reformation of Britain, 1560-1660,’ Ph.D. University of New South Wales, 1991).
Amanda Capern, ‘The Caroline Church: James Ussher and the Irish Dimension’, Historical Journal , 39 (1996) 57-85.
Hugh De Quehen , ‘Politics and Scholarship in the Ignatian Controversy’ in Seventeenth Century 31 (1) 1998, 69-84.
C. R. Elrington, An answer to Dr. Reid’s animadversions upon The life of Archbishop Ussher (Dublin and London, 1849).
Alan Ford, ‘Correspondence between Archbishops Ussher and Laud’ in Archivium Hibernicum XLVI (1991-2).
Alan Ford, ‘The Church of Ireland 1588-1641: A Puritan Church?’, in A. Ford, J. I. McGuire, and K. Milne, (eds.), As by law established (Dublin 1995), p. 53-68.
Alan Ford, The Protestant Reformation in Ireland, 1590-1641 (Dublin, 1997).
Alan Ford, ‘James Ussher and the Creation of an Irish Protestant Identity’ in Brendan Bradshaw and Peter Robers (eds.), British Consciousness and Identity (Cambridge, 1998), pp.185-212.
Alan Ford, ‘James Ussher and the Godly Prince in early seventeenth-century Ireland’ in Political Ideology in Ireland, 1541-1641 (Dublin, 1999), pp. 203-28.
Cathaldus Giblin, ‘Aegidius Chaissy, O.F.M., and James Ussher’ in Irish Ecclesiastical Record June (1956).
Stephen Jay Gould, ‘Fall in the House of Ussher’ in Eight Little Piggies: Reflections in Natural History (London, 1993), pp.181-193.
Crawford Gribben, ‘James Ussher and the Collapse of the Genevan worldview’ in Crawford Gribben, The Puritan Millenium. Literature and Theology, 1550-1682 (Dublin, 2000), pp. 80-100.
Aubrey Gwynn, ‘Archbishop Ussher and Fr Brendan O’Connor’ in Father Luke Wadding: commemorative volume , ed. Franciscan Fathers dún Mhuire, Killiney (1957), 263-83.
Robert Buick Knox, ‘Ussher and the Church of Ireland’ in Church Quarterly Review Apr.-Jun. (1960)
R.B. Knox, R. B., ‘The English Civil War: Archbishop Ussher and His Circle’ in London Quarterly & Holborn Review January (1962)
Knox, R. B., ‘A Caroline Trio: Ussher, Laud and Williams’ in Church Quarterly Review Oct.-Dec. (1963).
Hugh Jackson Lawlor, ‘Primate Ussher’s Library before 1641’ in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1900) 216-264.
Saul Leeman, ‘Was Bishop Ussher’s Chronology influenced by a midrash?’ in Semeiai 8 (1977) 127-129.
Joseph Leerssen, ‘Archbishop Ussher and Gaelic culture’ in Studia Hibernica XXII-XXIII (1982-3).
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